YES! Sue Hasker just joined my GTN Ministry team! She is a bright, talented and fun co-partner. Sue will be the WebQueen, updating and overseeing my website and helping make the mailers look and communicate better!
Sue is one of many people who are serving behind the scenes in this mission work.
Thank you Allen Coleman for website design and build, Kevin “The Wiz” Poncy who is tirelessly editing my sermon archives for future upload to the website), Debbie Timothy for graphic design help, and the amazing Laura who works out the crazy complications of my travel bookings.
Andrea Gerwig deserves uber special thanks for keeping our home and life rolling while I’m away for weeks on end.
Special thanks go out to the many people who pray for the work and generously support this ministry financially.
The team at GTN headquarters aren’t “mine” per se, but I’m so thankful for their tireless service in accounting, administration, communication and leadership.
I feel deep gratitude for all my international team mates who make this work FLY when it’s in motion; interpreters, drivers, in- country fixers, friends, bishops and pastors.
It’s a Dream-Team. This couldn’t happen without you. You are changing the world.
- Much Love, -C